I Became Pregnant From My Father
She was raped by her father since she was 9 years old. Finally, she got pregnant from her dad when she was 15 years old. She married with another man to solve the problem but he divorced her after she gave birth. Her father took her son and taught him to hate his own mother. Fortunately, she had begun her new life with a new husband who accepted and understood her. And, her life is getting after she met DMC.
The Photo Collection of the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 16th, 2013
Training Oneself in Non-Recklessness by Practicing Austerity (Dhutanga)
Life is full of uncertainties and danger awaits those who are reckless with their lives. The Lord Buddha once said
The Photo Collection of the 2014 Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 16th, 2014
The Photo Collection of the 2014 Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 16th, 2014 The Dhammachai Dhutanga along the Ways of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro) in the third year From Boat Bon Bangkuwieng Temple to Rattanakosinsomphotbowanniwetsalaya School The distance is 20.6 kilometers
More Than Sorrow
If her son was still alive; she would be the rain when his mind was hot, she would be the fire to give warmth when he was cold, she would be the melody to comfort when he was lonely, and she would be the star-light when he looked up. However, she have lost my son which was diagnosed with Leukemia. Her life used to be smooth and now it’s like rock and roll. However, she still have to continue her steps. How? We will see...
The Photo Collection of Dhammachai Dhutanga (January 13th, 2012)
The Collection of Waited Photo of the World !! The Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 13th, 2012
Son Must Not Receive Heritage
He was born with a scar on the left chest. When everyone in the family saw the scar, they suddenly knew that he was reborn from the previous life but did not know whom. When he saw my uncle and my aunt, he called them father and mother. No one believed that he was my uncle and aunt’s son that was reborn.
Don’t Let the Liver Ache And Don’t Die
The story of a woman who did not have in financial difficulties but she had to work hard until she had bone membrane torn in her leg. She had an operation but it was still not as good as before and might need to change her knee. However, she still had to work as hard as before. Why her life happened like this? Is there any Kamar if she does an animal business for slaughtering purpose but she has never does slaughtering herself? Why someone never success in doing any business? What are the differences of Kamar from a son kills the parents and the parents kill the son? DMC has the answers.
The Photo Collection of the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 14th, 2013
Non-Recklessness in the Dhamma # 2
A main supporting pillar is like a mindfulness person will always be aware of their actions